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Cheesman Canyon Update


Cheesman Dam continues to spill. There is approximately 275 cfs coming off the bottom valves, the Jet Valve is currently shut off, and there is approximately 100 cfs coming over the spillway. The water temperature coming off the bottom of the reservoir is approximately 47 degrees and the water coming over the spillway is approximately 60 degrees. After the two release points mix (the bottom valves and spillway), the water temperatures near the gauging station (flume)are in the mid 50’s.Denver Water is closely managing the water temperatures below Cheesman Reservoir, trying to keep them between 50 and 60 degrees.

Looking ahead, anglers can expect to see reliable hatches of midges and caddis. Within the next week or so, look for pale morning duns, then in a couple weeks, look for Tricos. Caddis hatches have made it to the dam now that the water temperatures have reached the mid 50’s. The fish were driving hard yesterday (July 5, 2016) on caddis pupae up near the dam. This is a sight to see! The fish are sweeping back and forth grabbing caddis pupae as they are drifting mid column.

Once the water comes off the spillway, Denver Water can opt to warm the water back up (because it will be back in the 40’s) by turning on the Jet Valve. The Jet Valve is 60 feet below the the top of the Dam. Denver Water is doing an impeccable job of managing this incredible resource. My hat is off to Dave Bennett and his colleagues. Nice job everyone!

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Pat Dorsey Fly Fishing